What’s a Myzone belt and Why do I need One?

There’s lots of ways to track your fitness these days. Apps, wearables, digital calendars – all very helpful and holding users accountable in some way. We might be a little biased here but we love and recommend Myzone.  


The club is equipped for Myzone, meaning you can wear a device and see your tile on the screens. These devices track your heartrate and reward you MEPs – Myzone Effort Points – based on the length of your workout and the heartrate zones you hit. We also use MEPs in our challenges. This gives you a goal, rather than looking at calories burned or working for an arbitrary amount of time. You can see how you’re doing based on your effort. Once you get used to it, you can use the heart rate zones to plan your workouts or gauge your effort and increase or decrease if needed. 


Using a Myzone device not only tracks your heartrate but gives you access to the Myzone app where you can see other users from the gym post workouts in real time, check your progress and more! We also love Myzone because it can sync with InBody which means you can get a reading and keep your results safely on the app! No printouts to keep organized when you want to see your progress. 

Get in the zone! Belts are on sale February 1st as we prep for our next challenge, the Heart Throb Challenge. Join us February 14th - February 28th, a belt is your ticket in*. Earn MEPs within the blue, green, yellow and red zones for your chance to make it into one of 3 tiers:

500 MEPs - $25 club cash

1000 MEPs - $50 club cash

1500 MEPs - $75 club cash

We will raffle off the prizes to one winner from each tier. Good luck!

*Take note that challenges are open to 212 Fitness members only who also own and use a MyZone device.


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